Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dick's Day Final Film


We provided a test screening for our audience and created a questionnaire to find out what people outside of our group truly thought of out film. The screening we showed was not the final version of our film as we wanted to get the audience opinion on how to finish the film.

These are some quotes of the feedback:

- The second piece of music we used was too depressing and took the humour out of the film.

- The volume of some of the dialogue needs to be increased.

The piece of feedback we received was that the music was too overpowering in the real sequence.

Final Magazine Article

This is our final magazine review, we stuck with the layout, we did not make any major changes. We slightly changed the content of the magazine and the font of the heading and sub heading.

1st Draft Magazine

We created the magazine using indesign. This program helped us get the precise layout we wanted. It allowed us to create our magazine article very easily.

As Franklin was creating the article, in class he analysed both article we research, looking at everything on the page.

Research Magazine Articles

We researched some articles from the magazines 'Empire' and 'Sight & Sound'. We analysed the font, colour, layout, language and content. Using these two magazines were extremely useful to our group as we were able to produce an article of our own.

Disc Design

This is what is printed on our DVD disc. We have used the same colours and font as the poster, we also did this for the evaluation to create a sense of synergy. We have also included the certificate, tag line of the film and the production company.