Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dick's Day Final Film


We provided a test screening for our audience and created a questionnaire to find out what people outside of our group truly thought of out film. The screening we showed was not the final version of our film as we wanted to get the audience opinion on how to finish the film.

These are some quotes of the feedback:

- The second piece of music we used was too depressing and took the humour out of the film.

- The volume of some of the dialogue needs to be increased.

The piece of feedback we received was that the music was too overpowering in the real sequence.

Final Magazine Article

This is our final magazine review, we stuck with the layout, we did not make any major changes. We slightly changed the content of the magazine and the font of the heading and sub heading.

1st Draft Magazine

We created the magazine using indesign. This program helped us get the precise layout we wanted. It allowed us to create our magazine article very easily.

As Franklin was creating the article, in class he analysed both article we research, looking at everything on the page.

Research Magazine Articles

We researched some articles from the magazines 'Empire' and 'Sight & Sound'. We analysed the font, colour, layout, language and content. Using these two magazines were extremely useful to our group as we were able to produce an article of our own.

Disc Design

This is what is printed on our DVD disc. We have used the same colours and font as the poster, we also did this for the evaluation to create a sense of synergy. We have also included the certificate, tag line of the film and the production company.

Final Poster

It was Edward Bullocks role to create the poster. He did this by using photoshop. We looked at all of our researched posters and decided this was the best design. This is because t portrays what the film is about. It have a very vibrant and optimistic background and a very gloomy and pessimistic. We also asked our audience what they thought of our poster and with their feedback we were able to create a poster that is of a high standard.

Poster: First and second draft

This is our final poster, as you can see we have included all of the conventions of real media products.

This is the newer and more precise version of our poster, we plan to use photoshop and use the conventions of real media products posters.

This is our very first rough sketch of our poster. We have drastically changed it since this picture.

Ideas For The Poster

We decided that the best way of creating are own poster was by looking at the conventions for each genre. Our film is a teen comedy, to create a suitable poster for our film, we looked at other teen comedies that are some what similar to our with the humour. Taking into account the layout, font and colours, I feel that my group and I have created the perfect poster.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Cut Pro

This is a screen shot of the software Final Cut Pro. This is the software we used to edit our film. To begin with we tried using imovie, but because we have past experiences with Final Cut and it is the professional software we decided to use this one. My role was to edit the picture of the film because I also edited my film for my coursework last year, using Final Cut Pro too.

Soundtrack Pro

This is a screen shot of 'Soundtrack pro'. This is the software Petros Poyiatgi and myself used to edit the sound of our film. I believe we both had a minor advantage when put in charge of the sound because Petros also studies Music and I study Music and Music Technology, which means we are experienced in this field.


Our group used the song 'Five Years Time' by 'Noah and the Whale' for the dream sequence, this is because it gives of the dreamy, happy feel because of the tempo of the song and the instruments used. While choosing this song, we had to come up with a solution that would prevent us from breaking the copyright law on the song. To do this we found a cover version of the song on 'Youtube'.

Our group also used the song 'Happy Ending' by 'Mika' for the end of the film to make the audience feel sorry for 'Dick'. Once again we had to find a solution to prevent copyright, so I had to make a cover of the song with a backing track found on 'Youtube' once again.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Planning Our Shoot

These are all of the planning sheets we were able to prduce and print from 'celtx'. The ability to do this kept our group efficient and organised

Planning Around Our Lessons

This is the list of lessons all the people in our group have on the week and times we are filming. We had to make this to make the teachers aware of what lessons and how many we were missing.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cameras We Used

We have decided to use two cameras while filming, this is so we could capture every angle and be as creative and possible.

New Script

We have had a new idea again. It is that our main character 'Dick' has a dream. This dream is his ideal birthday and everything goes to plan and falls in his favour, he gets a car for his birthday, he gets pulled inside 'the girl next door's' house, everyone is wishing him happy birthday and he has a great day. But then he wakes up. This is a great advantage to us because we can constantly remind the audience of the dream and the fact that the normal day doesn't go to plan and throughout, Dick is noticing things that he saw in his dream and he wants them to be real. but it doesn't turn out that great for him.