Sunday, September 26, 2010

Filmmakers I Admire

Shane Meadows

Shane Meadows - I admire Shane Meadows because I enjoy the genre he makes, which is British Drama and I like the cinema verite style. I also like the fact that all of his movies are British. My favourite film of his is 'This is England'. This is because I like the fact this film contains a social realist narrative and it is distinctively British. This genre in particular interests me. I have enjoyed watching 'This is England '86' because I enjoyed seeing how Shane Meadows took the characters from the film and used them in the TV series.

Guy Ritchie

Guy Ritchie - I also admire Guy Ritchie because once again I like the genre he specifies in, which is British gangster movies. I enjoy the comic scenes that are included in his movies. This is one of the reasons i admire him. I was a fan of 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', which i felt was the best of the British Gangster Movies of that period. Since then i have watched every film that Guy Ritchie has Directed and particularly enjoyed his most recent film 'Sherlock Holmes' because I particularly enjoyed the voice over technique used throughout the film. The high production values show that he has come a long way since the very low budget production of 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'.

Kathryn Bigelow

Kathryn Bigelow - I admire Kathryn Bigelow because I enjoyed watching Hurtlocker and like the style she films it in and I like the fact that there is not one particular main character and the main character keeps changing. This is because it keeps me locked into the film and gives me more concentrate on. I admire the fact that she is a female director and is the first female to win an oscar for her film 'Hurtlocker'.

1 comment:

  1. The following is what needs to be done to bring you blog up to an A grade:
    1. Directors section needs images, and also you should identify what your favourite film of each is.
    2. Short film analysis is good but needs personal insight, what did you like about the films and why?
    3. Film styles section needs examples with images or clips.
    4. Need 3 stories with analysis.
    Please find me if you need any extra help or if any part of this is unclear.
