Saturday, October 9, 2010

An Idea For Our Film

We have changed the story of our film. We are not using binary opposites as we were before. Before it was conventionally a horror film. We have made it into a quirky slapstick comedy.

The story follows a seemingly depressed 18 year old male waking up home alone, puts a tracksuit on and smelling the milk is off. He then goes out to get more milk, buy a birthday card for himself at the same time.

He goes home and tries to call his friends but it keeps going straight onto their answer machines. He then plays FIFA 11 and loses. Attempts to make himself a microwave lunch, it explodes, so he gives up and goes to do his job as a dog walker on his birthday.

He then drops the dog off and starts walking home. He stops off at the same corner shop as before and buys a porn magazine, but the audience do not know that it is a porn magazine. He also buys a box of tissues.

He then goes home to the embarrassment of all of his friends at his house for the surprise party they have organised for him while he has the porn magazine and box of tissues in his hand. It then fades to black.

For this idea we combined 2 pieces of research being "Lovefield" and "The Empty House" and came up with this idea.

The story follows a seemingly depressed 18 year old male leaving a friends house saying, "see ya mate", the friend replies "happy birthday see you soon". The camera follows him on various parts of the journey home, with P.O.V shots of someone following him behind, the objective for this is to build as much tension as possible and to create the illusion that the protagonist is in danger.

As he arrives home he see's his front door ajar and his belongings strewn across the floor. "oh shit", he immediately thinks his house has been burgled, he cautiously enters his home and hears a noise coming from the living room, he grabs a bat and approaches the room. By now the suspense will be at its peak, he slowly turns the door handle and swings the door open. "SURPRISE", a look of relief crosses his face as he realises he has been thrown a surprise party.

The film Lovefield shares comparison to ours in the sense that the illusion of one thing is contradicted near the end. The empty house story gave us an idea for the setting and tone we want to create. The style we have in mind for the film is a realistic documentary style, perhaps taking the shape of the Dogme 95 style.

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