Monday, October 18, 2010

Short Stories I Researched

This Story is about a mother that is unable to look after her kids. She is constantly having arguments with her kids about whether they have completed their homework, how much television they are allowed to watch and how many songs they are allowed to listen to.

This could be turned into a film by giving it a simple beginning, middle and end structure. The beginning would show the mother getting along with her kids and them playing happy families.

The middle could be the point of attack, when the dreaded question is asked and she starts having an argument with her children about school work. This is when everything starts to go wrong for the mother.

The end could be when the arguments is resolved and she makes up with her children. This would follow the structure of most films with the beginning, middle, end structure, with the ending being a good one.

There would be five characters used in this film, if I were to go ahead and make it. The main character being the mother, of course.

I picked this story because I like the fact it is about family. I would like to make a film that focuses on family as this one does because to me it is one of the most important subjects to address.

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